The engineering firm that small—to medium-sized companies of the future use when they need an engineer but can’t afford to hire one full-time doesn't need the overhead of an engineering department.

The Process Improvement Engineering firm of the future with virtual consulting.

“Why hire a PIE when you can Rent a PIE!”

Our small business aims to provide high-quality process improvement services to other small companies that don’t want the overhead of hiring an engineer or incur the substantial cost of a consulting firm.

Are you not sure you need our help? Then set up a free 15-minute consultation, and let us see if we can help you!

Do you need help? Set up a free 15-minute consultation, and we can determine the next steps!

If your company is tired of the "that’s the way we have always done it," then set up a 15-minute consultation so we may know a better way!

When you set up the free 15-minute consultation, ask about our cost-of-service and small business discount plans!

Select the slice to see what we can do